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Be Present

William Palmer

To be present, is one of those simple concepts that has outstanding benefits. It allows me to center my self, and be aware of my emotions. Keeps me on track of my current priorities and goals. I have become more focus about the current state of my life and it holds me accountable to my goals. There is times where I am trapped in limbo, either thinking about the past or the future. Which leaves me no room to maneuver and think in my present time. I could constantly be thinking about the past and where I might have went wrong. Or constantly thinking about my future and what I may want from it. But what truly matters is what is actually happening at this breathing moment. I have more control over the present than I do my future and past. To bring my self present has been the greatest blessing and lesson I’ve taught my self. Which made me want to share this with you.


Stay blessed.

Stay safe.

Stay present.

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